OT Attack Surface

OT Attack Surface Management

OT Attack Surface Management The attack surface of an operational technology (OT) system refers to the total exposure of the system to potential security threats. It encompasses all the entry points and attack vectors that an attacker can use to gain access to or compromise the system. The attack surface includes a wide range of…

8 steps to build a defensible OT network.

8 Steps to Build a Defensible OT Network

How to Build a Defensible OT Network 1. Assessment Although vulnerability assessment and risk assessment are commonly used interchangeably, but they are two different approaches, and both are needed as part of a comprehensive security assessment. Another misconception is that security assessment is a network anomaly detection tool like Nozomi Networks, Claroty or Tenable. Any…


How to Secure Industrial Networks Against Ransomware – 2023 Checklist

How to Secure Industrial Networks Against Ransomware in 2023 Since the outbreaks of Wannacry & NotPetya ransomware attacks in 2017, we’ve been witnessing daily occurrences of attacks affecting OT networks that originated on the IT side. The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) also highlighted this issue for this very simple reason. It works. Ransomware in…

Bridging the IT OT Divide

Bridging the IT and OT Divide

Bridging the IT & OT Divide Why is it important to bridge the gap between IT and OT department?​ In the past decade, though IT and operations technology (OT) appear to be working together more frequently than in the past, they’re still far from being a united team, according to Automation World’s latest reader survey…